Awesome quotes
$ Logic is not only mental phenomena, Logic is one of the finest natural entity, this maintains the equilibrium between human and surrounding by designing natural systems and that is logical, but human have ability to infect it by using so called brain.
$ Every sensitive ability need a level of consciousness and knowledge to live in the very time otherwise you might end up in unnecessary block of mind.
$ Nothing is Unreal, upto a great extent even illusion is reality.
$ Dissimalilarites exist because of inherited perception, it is not personal, it is collective behaviour manifested in individual.
$ I had been taught that service, confession and pray is the source to Jesus, I have got the 4th one, Love your mom, It's her day.
$ Every sensitive ability need a level of consciousness and knowledge to live in the very time otherwise you might end up in unnecessary block of mind.
$ Nothing is Unreal, upto a great extent even illusion is reality.
$ Dissimalilarites exist because of inherited perception, it is not personal, it is collective behaviour manifested in individual.
$ I had been taught that service, confession and pray is the source to Jesus, I have got the 4th one, Love your mom, It's her day.